Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Happiness is getting streetpasses and travelers camping on your island! I think it's something close to a miracle that I've managed to get 7 campers at once. I like meeting these young adventurers. I talk to them, feed them, give them a bath or medicine if they felt unwell. In return, I may get a special streetpass food item or a gift and letter the next day when they leave my island. It does make me sad when I get a traveler who's been on the road for a year or more and she says she's homesick. (Traveling miis can return for brief home visits but they can't return home for good. They keep traveling.)
In my game, Zoro and Chow Yun-Fat are great friends. They hang out together, eat and chat at the cafe, that sort of thing. Yet, today, they had a terrible fight! Over a glass slipper! XD

Quote of the Day from Sanosuke: "Befriending travelers is bittersweet. You learn so much, but then they leave."

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