Wednesday, July 9, 2014

There's something about the beach that attracts the miis at all times of the day. You'll usually find someone walking or sitting, sometimes alone and sometimes in pairs. You may see a mii family building a sandcastle together.  I have found miis flying kites or searching for hidden treasure with a metal detector. Some miis  fish, play football or simply stand in the sand to contemplate life or appreciate a beautiful sunset. It makes me wish I could be on that beach with them, too. XD

In other news, I'd discovered 3 adult miis at the end of their wits, playing a desperate game of peekaboo, trying to get Wyatt (Sanosuke and Lavi's firstborn son) to stop crying. Sinbad's a family friend, so he got roped in too. It's little random moments like this that makes you think this game's completely crazy  a genius. 8D

Quote of the Day from Mephisto: "I only keep the essentials in my wallet. Cash, credit cards and gum."

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